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Let us introduce you to the driving force behind the Kevin Peare Memorial Skate Park


Caren has worked tirelessly for over 6 years,

to bring the Mount Washington valley a skate park for it's youth.

She developed an after school program " Skateboarding 101" for Project Succeed

in local schools.. What that does is teach a child how to build a skateboard from scratch. She teaches them safety and to ride a skateboard. She has put together countless events over the last 5 years to earn money for the skate park.

She has rallied the Skate Park Board and Committee members when we all are feeling tired and ready to give up on this project.

She has been the one, most times answering questions, answering emails and developing a relationship with the community, designer, the builder and town officials. Caren is the person out front, at Town meetings, on the radio, on Valley Vision and at the mic at our events. Caren is a mother, and she runs her own cleaning business. But, also finds the time to work with the

AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) New Hampshire.

We feel she needs some much needed recognition for all the good she does for this valley on the behalf of the youth.

Her driving force is her baby brother watching her from heaven.

                        We need YOUR help to make this dream to become a reality!

Talk about our project! Write letters, use your voice.

The time is NOW to have a skate park for Mt. Washington Valley!

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To reach Caren


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